Edmund Dehn, quien interpretó al Doctor en 'Sombras en el viento', acaba de protagonizar un cortometraje basado en los personajes del comic Juez Dredd. Es un corto-homenaje al comic original, que pretende resarcir a sus fans del chasco que supuso la película de los noventa protagonizada por Stallone. Edmund da vida al Juez Minty, el personaje principal del corto, que está dirigido por Steve Sterlacchini y tiene un tono apocalíptico y crepuscular.
Edmund Dehn, who played the Doctor in 'Shadows in the wind', has just started in a short film based on the characters of the Judge Dredd comic. Is a film-tribute to the original comic, which tries to compensate their fans for the disappointment the ninety's film played by Stallone was. Edmund plays the Judge Minty, the leading character of the short film which has been directed by Steve Sterlacchini and has a crepuscular and apocalyptic tone.
Edmund Dehn, who played the Doctor in 'Shadows in the wind', has just started in a short film based on the characters of the Judge Dredd comic. Is a film-tribute to the original comic, which tries to compensate their fans for the disappointment the ninety's film played by Stallone was. Edmund plays the Judge Minty, the leading character of the short film which has been directed by Steve Sterlacchini and has a crepuscular and apocalyptic tone.
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