'Sombras en el viento' ha sido seleccionado para participar en el 26 FETROIA, International Film Festival, en Setúbal, Portugal. Éste es el primer festival portugues en el que participa el corto en competición, pues ya había sido proyectado en este país el pasado Octubre durante la muestra itinerante El mes + Corto.
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected to participate in the 26 FETROIA, International Film Festival, in Setubal, Portugal. This is the first Portuguese film festival in competition for the short, for it had already been screened in that country during the itinerant exhibition El mes + Corto last October.
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected to participate in the 26 FETROIA, International Film Festival, in Setubal, Portugal. This is the first Portuguese film festival in competition for the short, for it had already been screened in that country during the itinerant exhibition El mes + Corto last October.
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