Tras haber participado en Diciembre en el Madurai Film Festival, el corto será proyectado en varias escuelas de la región india de Tamilnadu en los próximos meses. Esta es una iniciativa del festival para acercar cine de todo el globo a los niños de esta parte del país.
After having participated in the Madurai Film Festival in December, the short film will be screened in several schools in the Indian region of Tamilnadu until next June. This is the Festival initiative to approach the world cinema to the children of that part of the country.
It won't be the first time that the short film is screened in schools around the world, for during these days it is being screened at the Argentinian region of Valera's classrooms, promoted by the Asociación de Artistas Visuales de Varela.
No será la pimera vez que se proyecte el corto en escuelas del mundo, ya que en estas mismas fechas se está pasando en aulas de la región argentina de Valera, auspiciado por la Asociación de Artistas Visuales de Varela.
After having participated in the Madurai Film Festival in December, the short film will be screened in several schools in the Indian region of Tamilnadu until next June. This is the Festival initiative to approach the world cinema to the children of that part of the country.
It won't be the first time that the short film is screened in schools around the world, for during these days it is being screened at the Argentinian region of Valera's classrooms, promoted by the Asociación de Artistas Visuales de Varela.
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