'Sombras en el viento' ha sido seleccionado en un nuevo festival, a finales de Febrero participará en el International Film Festival ZOOM - ZBLIZENIA que se celebrará en Jelenia-Gora, Polonia. Es el primer festival de este país en que participamos, y el segundo en el este de Europa, tras el International Film Festival KRAF de Croacia en Noviembre.
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected in another film festival. At the end of February it will participate at the International Film Festival ZOOM-ZBLIZENIA which will take place in Jelenia-Gora, Poland. This is the first festival for us in this country, and the second one based in the East of Europe, after having participated in the International Film Festival FRAF of Croatia last November .
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected in another film festival. At the end of February it will participate at the International Film Festival ZOOM-ZBLIZENIA which will take place in Jelenia-Gora, Poland. This is the first festival for us in this country, and the second one based in the East of Europe, after having participated in the International Film Festival FRAF of Croatia last November .
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