jueves, 2 de diciembre de 2010
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010
Proyección en Bruselas
'Sombras en el viento' será proyectado este viernes 26 en Bruselas, dentro del 5º Ciclo de Cortos Asturianos que organiza Asbru, el centro Asturiano de Bruselas. La proyección tendrá lugar en la Rue Saint Laurent 36-38, a las ocho de la tarde.
'Shadows in the wind' will be screened this Friday 26th in Bruxelles, at the V Ciclo de Cortos Asturianos, organized by Asbru at the Bruxelles Asturian Centre. The screening will take place in 36-38 Rue Saint Laurent, at 8 pm.
'Shadows in the wind' will be screened this Friday 26th in Bruxelles, at the V Ciclo de Cortos Asturianos, organized by Asbru at the Bruxelles Asturian Centre. The screening will take place in 36-38 Rue Saint Laurent, at 8 pm.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010
De nuevo en Argentina/ Again in Argentina
'Sombras en el viento' volverá a Argentina para participar en la sección itinerante del II Festival de Realizadoras Audiovisuales Mujeres: "Hecho x mujeres" durante los meses de Noviembre y Diciembre de este año. Las fechas y el lugar de las proyecciones está aún sin confirmar.
'Shadows in the wind' will be back in Argentina to participate at the itinirant section of the II Festival de Realizadoras Audiovisuales Mujeres: "Hecho x mujeres" during the months of November and December of this year. The dates and places of the screenings haven't been confirmed yet.
lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010
Nueva selección en Italia/ New selection in Italy
Tras varios meses en los que hemos tenido un parón de festivales por diversos motivos, 'Sombras en el viento' vuelve a tener una selección internacional. Le trottoir in Corto será el sexto festival italiano en que participemos, y el segundo en la ciudad de Milán. Este festival hace ya el número 117 en nuestra lista de selecciones.
After a couple of months in which we haven't distributed our film through film festivals for many different reasons, 'Shadows in the wind' has again an international selection. Le trottoir in Corto will be the sixth Italian festival in which we will participate, and the second one in the city of Milan. This festival makes the number 117 in our list of selections.
After a couple of months in which we haven't distributed our film through film festivals for many different reasons, 'Shadows in the wind' has again an international selection. Le trottoir in Corto will be the sixth Italian festival in which we will participate, and the second one in the city of Milan. This festival makes the number 117 in our list of selections.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010
Nueva página de la productora / A new web page for the Production Company
Actualmente, ATRACO PERFECTO PRODUCCIONES está empezando a trabajar en nuevos proyectos muy ambiciosos. Para iniciar esta etapa de la productora hemos actualizado nuestra página web, que ahora se llama atracoperfecto.es. En ella hacemos repaso de trabajos anteriores, introduciremos nuevos proyectos, e iremos publicando noticias sobre otros trabajos aparte de 'Sombras en el viento'.
ATRACO PERFECTO PRODUCCIONES is currently begining to work on new and very ambitious projects. To start this stage of the company we have updated our website, which is now named as atracoperfecto.es. In it we revise our previews works, we will introduce our new ones and publish news about other works apart from 'Shadows in the wind'
ATRACO PERFECTO PRODUCCIONES is currently begining to work on new and very ambitious projects. To start this stage of the company we have updated our website, which is now named as atracoperfecto.es. In it we revise our previews works, we will introduce our new ones and publish news about other works apart from 'Shadows in the wind'
sábado, 4 de septiembre de 2010
Seleccionados en el Sintetitza / Selected at Sintetitza
Volvemos a tener una nueva selección en Cataluña, en esta ocasión se trata del Sintetitza. Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges dels Pirineus, que se celebrará en Berga, provincia de Barcelona, del 15 al 19 de Septiembre.
We've been selected again in Catalonia, Spain. In this occassion we are talking about the Sintetitza. Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges dels Pirineus, which will take place in Berga, Barcelona, from the 15th to the 19th of September.
We've been selected again in Catalonia, Spain. In this occassion we are talking about the Sintetitza. Festival Internacional de Curtmetratges dels Pirineus, which will take place in Berga, Barcelona, from the 15th to the 19th of September.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 13 de agosto de 2010
Seleccionados en Astorga/ Selected in Astorga
Tenemos una nueva seleccion en España. El Festival de Cortometrajes Ciudad de Astorga se celebrará en la ciudad leonesa a principios de septiembre, y el corto está seleccionado en sección oficial.
We have a new selection in Spain. The Festival de Cortometrajes Ciudad de Astorga will take place in Astorga, a city placed in the region of Leon, at the beginning of September, and the short film has been selected in its Official Selection.
We have a new selection in Spain. The Festival de Cortometrajes Ciudad de Astorga will take place in Astorga, a city placed in the region of Leon, at the beginning of September, and the short film has been selected in its Official Selection.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
lunes, 26 de julio de 2010
Nueva selección en USA/ New Selection in the USA
El Landlocked Film Festival se celebrará el próximo mes de Agosto en Iowa, y 'Sombras en el viento' está seleccionado en él. Este es el festival número 16 de los Estados Unidos en que participámos, y el segundo de este estado.
The Landlocked Film Festival will take place next August in Iowa, and 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected at it. This makes the 16th film festival in the United States in which we participate and the second in this state.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 20 de julio de 2010
'Chéri' a la venta/ 'Chéri' on sale
El DVD de la película 'Chéri' de Stephen Frears acaba de salir a la venta en España, y tal y como os comentamos hace unos meses 'Sombras en el viento' viene incluido como un extra en esta edición de la película.
Tanto el corto como el largo comparten época de ambientación y un cierto parececido estético, razón por la que la distribuidora Cameo ha querido incluirlo en este DVD.
Quien aún no haya podido ver el corto aquí tiene una oportundad, y al mismo tiempo podrá disfrutar de esta divertida película del director de 'Mi hermosa lavanderia', 'Las amistades peligrosas' y 'The Queen'.
The Spanish DVD edition of the film 'Chéri' by Stephen Frears has come out in Spain, and, as we told you few months ago, 'Shadows in the wind' is included as a bonus feature in this edition.
The short film and the feature film take place during the same age and share some aesthetic resemblances. That's why the distribution company Cameo wanted to include it in this DVD.
Whoever hasn't been able to watch the short film has now the opportunity to do it so and, at the same time, will enjoy of this funny film from the director of 'My beautiful laundrette', 'Dangerous liaisons' and 'The Queen'
The Spanish DVD edition of the film 'Chéri' by Stephen Frears has come out in Spain, and, as we told you few months ago, 'Shadows in the wind' is included as a bonus feature in this edition.
The short film and the feature film take place during the same age and share some aesthetic resemblances. That's why the distribution company Cameo wanted to include it in this DVD.
Whoever hasn't been able to watch the short film has now the opportunity to do it so and, at the same time, will enjoy of this funny film from the director of 'My beautiful laundrette', 'Dangerous liaisons' and 'The Queen'
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
cameo films,
lunes, 19 de julio de 2010
Seleccionados en Brasil / Selected in Brazil
Tenemos una nueva conquista en Latinoamérica: Brasil. El festival For Rainbow es un festival de temática gay y lésbica que se celebrá en la ciudad costera de Fortaleza. Brasil es el décimo país americano en que se proyecta el corto, y este festival el número 34 de América en nuestra lista de selecciones.
We have a new conquest in Latin America: Brazil. The festival For Rainbow is a Gay and Lesbian Film Festival which will take place in the seaside town of Fortaleza. Brazil is the tenth American country where the short film is screened, and the 34th American festival in our list of selections.
We have a new conquest in Latin America: Brazil. The festival For Rainbow is a Gay and Lesbian Film Festival which will take place in the seaside town of Fortaleza. Brazil is the tenth American country where the short film is screened, and the 34th American festival in our list of selections.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 16 de julio de 2010
Seleccionados en Egipto/ Selected in Egypt
Acabamos de saber que 'Sombras en el viento' ha sido seleccionado en el 14th Ismailia International Festival for Documentary & Short Films, en Gizeh, Egipto. La ciudad donde están las pirámides y la esfinge. El festival tendrá lugar a principios del próximo Octubre, y es el segundo festival africano en que participamos, ya que hace unos meses participamos en un festival de Sudáfrica.
We have just known that 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected at the 14th Ismailia International Festival for Documentary & Short Films, in Gizeh, Egypt, the city where the pyramids and the sphinx are. The festival will take place at the beginning of next October, and it's the second African festival in which we participate, for some months ago we did in a film festival in South Africa.
We have just known that 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected at the 14th Ismailia International Festival for Documentary & Short Films, in Gizeh, Egypt, the city where the pyramids and the sphinx are. The festival will take place at the beginning of next October, and it's the second African festival in which we participate, for some months ago we did in a film festival in South Africa.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010
Seleccionados en Cantabria/ Selected in Cantabria
A estas alturas Cantabria era la única Comunidad Autónoma de la península en que 'Sombras en el viento' no habia sido seleccionado. El próximo 6 de Agosto el corto se proyectará en Santander dentro del Picnick Festival. De España ya solo nos quedan las Islas Baleares, a ver si ahora que estamos en veranito...
By this stage, Cantabria was the only region in the Spanish peninsula in which 'Shadows in the wind' had not been selected. On the next 6th of August it'll be screened in Santander at the Picnick Festival. The Balears Islands is the only Spanish region we have left, let's see if now that we are in summer...
By this stage, Cantabria was the only region in the Spanish peninsula in which 'Shadows in the wind' had not been selected. On the next 6th of August it'll be screened in Santander at the Picnick Festival. The Balears Islands is the only Spanish region we have left, let's see if now that we are in summer...
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 13 de julio de 2010
Distribución internacional / International Distribution
ATRACO PERFECTO acaba de firmar un contrato de distribución con SHORTS INTERNATIONAL, una compañia británica que se dedica a vender cortometrajes en el Reino Unido, Francia, Canada y los Estados Unidos, de cara a exhibirlos en televisiones, trenes, lineas aereas... y también para descargas de internet mediante iTunes y similares.
Con este contrato 'Sombras en el viento' se asegura seguir recorriendo mundo, ahora que el ritmo de selección en festivales empieza a disminuir, tras año y medio en el que ha visitado 110 festivales en 27 países. De todas maneras, el corto seguirá visitando aún más festivales de la mano de la distribuidora española PROMOFEST, con la que tan bien nos ha ido.
ATRACO PERFECTO has just signed a distribution contract with SHORTS INTERNATIONAL, a British company that sells short films around the United Kingdom, France, Canada and the United States in order to broadcast them on television, screen them in trains, airlines... and also to download them in internet through iTunes and similar web sites.
With this contract 'Shadows in the wind' garantees itself to go on travelling all around the world, now that the film festival selection's rhythm starts to decrease after a year and a half in which it has visited 110 festivals and 27 countries. Anyway, the short film will still continue to visit more festivals with the help of the Spanish distribution company PROMOFEST, who has served us so well.
ATRACO PERFECTO has just signed a distribution contract with SHORTS INTERNATIONAL, a British company that sells short films around the United Kingdom, France, Canada and the United States in order to broadcast them on television, screen them in trains, airlines... and also to download them in internet through iTunes and similar web sites.
With this contract 'Shadows in the wind' garantees itself to go on travelling all around the world, now that the film festival selection's rhythm starts to decrease after a year and a half in which it has visited 110 festivals and 27 countries. Anyway, the short film will still continue to visit more festivals with the help of the Spanish distribution company PROMOFEST, who has served us so well.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
shorts international
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
Nuestro nuevo proyecto / Our new project
Queremos aprovechar un pequeño hueco de este blog para hablaros del nuevo proyecto de ATRACO PERFECTO PRODUCCIONES: 'Tierra de lobos' es un largometraje que rodaremos en 2011, lo dirigirá Ramón Rodriguez y actualmente está en fase de financiación.
Se trata de un thriller ambientado en un pequeño pueblo de montaña durante los años 40 y, partiendo del cuento de Caperucita Roja, cuenta una historia de odios, resentimientos y venganzas. Estará a medio camino del policiaco y la aventura, con ciertas reminiscencias del western.
El pasado mes de Abril rodamos un teaser del proyecto, y ahora está colgado en VIMEO y en YOUTUBE, desde donde no solo lo podéis ver, sino que también os lo podéis linkear a vuestra páginas web, blogs, faceboocks... y también podeis mandarlo por correo a familiares, colegas, amigos, enemigos, etc. ¡Disfrutarlo y difundirlo!
*El nuevo título de este proyecto es "BOSQUE PROHIBIDO"
We would like to take the opportunity that this blog gives us to talk you about the new ATRACO PERFECTO PRODUCIONES' s project: 'Tierra de Lobos' (Wolves' land) is a feature film which will be shot in 2011, and will be directed by Ramon Rodriguez. It is nowadays in its financing process.
It is a thriller set in a little village in the mountains during the 1940's and, based on Little Red Riding hood's short story, it tells a story of hates, resentments, and revenges. It will be half way between a detective story and a adventure one with some influences of the western genre.
Last April we shot this project 's teaser trailer and now is has been published in VIMEO and YOUTUBE, where you cannot only watch it , but link it to your own pages, webs, blogs, facebooks... and also send it by mail to your relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Enjoy it and spread it!
*This proyect has a new title: "BOSQUE PROHIBIDO" (Forbidden Forest)
*El nuevo título de este proyecto es "BOSQUE PROHIBIDO"
We would like to take the opportunity that this blog gives us to talk you about the new ATRACO PERFECTO PRODUCIONES' s project: 'Tierra de Lobos' (Wolves' land) is a feature film which will be shot in 2011, and will be directed by Ramon Rodriguez. It is nowadays in its financing process.
It is a thriller set in a little village in the mountains during the 1940's and, based on Little Red Riding hood's short story, it tells a story of hates, resentments, and revenges. It will be half way between a detective story and a adventure one with some influences of the western genre.
Last April we shot this project 's teaser trailer and now is has been published in VIMEO and YOUTUBE, where you cannot only watch it , but link it to your own pages, webs, blogs, facebooks... and also send it by mail to your relatives, friends, enemies, etc. Enjoy it and spread it!
*This proyect has a new title: "BOSQUE PROHIBIDO" (Forbidden Forest)
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
tierra de lobos
viernes, 9 de julio de 2010
Alice en un video de Amy Macdonald/ Alice in an Amy Macdonald's video
Alice Henley, quien interpretó a Johnsy en 'Sombras en el viento', ha rodado un video clip de la cantante británica Amy Macdonald, y en él hace de una estrella famosa muy caprichosa. Conociendola, estamos seguros de que Alice no será así cuando en breve le llegue su momento de gloria...
Alice Henley, who palyed the role of Johnsy in 'Shadows in the wind', has appeared in the last Amy Macdonald's music video, where she plays a famous and very whimsical star. Knowing her, we are sure Alice will never act that way when her moment of glory arrives...
Alice Henley, who palyed the role of Johnsy in 'Shadows in the wind', has appeared in the last Amy Macdonald's music video, where she plays a famous and very whimsical star. Knowing her, we are sure Alice will never act that way when her moment of glory arrives...
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
Alice Henley,
amy macdonald,
miércoles, 7 de julio de 2010
Seleccionados en Hungria / Selected in Hungary
Poco a poco 'Sombras en el viento' sigue recorriendo paises y festivales, año y medio después de su estreno. Ahora hemos sido seleccionados en Hungria, en donde participaremos en Septiembre en el Szolnok International Film Festival of Fine Arts, un festival dedicado al cine que tiene como trasfondo las Bellas Artes.
Little by little 'Shadows in the wind' is going all over countries and festivals a year and a half after its release. This time we have been selected in Hungary, where we will participate at the Szolnok International Film Festival of Fine Arts in September, a festival dedicated to films whose backgrounds have something to do with the Fine Arts.
Little by little 'Shadows in the wind' is going all over countries and festivals a year and a half after its release. This time we have been selected in Hungary, where we will participate at the Szolnok International Film Festival of Fine Arts in September, a festival dedicated to films whose backgrounds have something to do with the Fine Arts.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 23 de junio de 2010
En el Ocular 2010 / At the Ocular 2010
Una nueva selección para el corto. El festival Ocular 2010 se celebrará en La Selva del Camp, un pequeño pueblo de Tarragona. Este es el sexto festival catalán en que es seleccionado 'Sombras en el viento'.
A new selection fot the short film. The film festival Ocular 2010 will take place in La Selva del Camp, a small town in Tarragona, Spain. This is the sixth Catalonian film festival in wich 'Shadows in the wind' is selected.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 18 de junio de 2010
Homenajeados en dos festivales
El Festival de Cortos de Tembleque fue hace ya más de un año el primero en que 'Sombras en el viento' consiguió un premio. Este año ese festival se celebrará en otoño, y acaba de presentar el cartel de esta nueva edición. En ese cartel han incluido imágenes de 'Sombras' junto a la imagen de Don Quijote -ya que Tembleque está en Toledo, La Mancha- y otras del corto que ganó en la sección regional.
Por otro lado, el festival Escorto de El Escorial, donde el año pasado Julia ganó el premio a la Mejor Dirección, también rinde un pequeño homenaje a 'Sombras en el viento', al ser el corto con más nominaciones de su joven historia (Mejor corto, dirección, guión, actriz, actriz revelación, fotografía, dirección de producción, montaje, dirección de arte, música, sonido, vestuario y maquillaje y peluquería). Se hará una proyección especial en el Auditorio Municipal el próximo jueves 24 de Junio, a las 21:00h.
Nos hace mucha ilusión que estos dos festivales tan estupendos se acuerden de nosotros en su nueva edición, y desde aquí queremos mandarles un fuerte abrazo a sus organizadores.
Nos hace mucha ilusión que estos dos festivales tan estupendos se acuerden de nosotros en su nueva edición, y desde aquí queremos mandarles un fuerte abrazo a sus organizadores.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 8 de junio de 2010
El pasado sábado 5 de Junio se cumplieron cien años de la muerte de O.Henry, autor del cuento 'La última hoja', en el que está basado 'Sombras en el viento'.
O.Henry es en realidad el seudónimo de William Sidney Porter (1862 - 1910). Vivió la mayor parte de su vida en el barrio neoyorquino de Greenwich Village, al que retrató en inumerables cuentos que contaban la vida cotidiana de los artistias y trabajadores de clase baja que lo poblaban.
Todos sus cuentos eran tan cinematográficos que fueron llevados a la pantalla en diferentes épocas a lo largo de la historia del cine, algunos varias veces, e incluso antes de la propia muerte del autor. Ahora son de lectura obligada en los colegios de los Estados Unidos y, aunque hace 100 años murió pobre, hoy en día es uno de los autores más valorados y queridos de su país.
Con este post queremos recordarle y darle las gracias por escribir una historia tan maravillosa y llena de esperanzas como la de Sue, Johnsy y el señor Behrman.
Last Saturday 5th of June marked a hundred years of O. Henry's death, the author of the short story 'The last leaf', in which 'Shadows in the wind' is based on.
All his short stories where so cinematographic that were adapted for the screen in different times throughout the Cinema history, some of them, several times, and even before the author's death. Now a days they are a compulsory reading at schools in the United States, and, although a hundred years ago he died as a poor man, today he is one of the most appreciated and loved authors of his country.
With this post we want to remember and thank him for writing such a wonderful and full of hope story as the one about Sue, Johnsy and Mr. Behrman.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
la ultima hoja,
short story,
the last leaf
lunes, 7 de junio de 2010
Nuevo reconocimiento a la fotografía/ New aknowledgement for the photography
El trabajo de Helena Gelado como directora de fotografía de 'Sombras en el viento' ha sido reconocido con un premio en un festival por tercera vez. Anteriormente su labor fue premiada en los festivales Octubre Corto, de La Rioja y Corto Mieres en Asturias. En esta ocasión le ha sido otorgada una Mención Especial a la Mejor Fotografía en el Epizephiry International Film Festival, en Italia.
Enhorabuena Helena, y enhorabuena a todo el equipo de foto y cámara por este premio.
Congratulations, Helena, and congratulations to all the photography and camera crew for this prize!
Helena Gelado's work as director of photography in 'Shadows in the wind' has been recognized for the third time with an award in a film festival. Her work was previously awarded at the festival Octubre Corto, in La Rioja and at Cortomieres, in Asturias. In this occasion she has been given a Special Mention to the Best Photography at the Epizephiry International Film Festival , in Italy.
Congratulations, Helena, and congratulations to all the photography and camera crew for this prize!
Foto/ Photo: Iván Valdelvira
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010
Volvemos a Méjico/ We go back to Mexico

Hace unos meses el corto participó en la Muestra de Cine en el Desierto, en Sonora. Ahora volverá a Méjico para competir en el Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Cine, Cultura y Vida, que se celebrará en el estado de Toluca.
¡Que viva Mexico!
Few months ago the short film participated at the Muestra de Cine en el Desierto, in Sonora. Now it will go back to Mexico in order to compete at the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Cine, Cultura y Vida , that will take place in the state of Toluca.
Que viva Mexico!
Que viva Mexico!
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 26 de mayo de 2010
En Colombia una vez más / Once more in Colombia

Después de España y Estados Unidos, Colombia es el país en que más veces ha sido seleccionado 'Sombras en el viento'. El Festival Internacional de Cine de Monteria será el quinto de este país en que participe el corto. Allí ya somos casi tan populares como Juán Valdez.
After Spain and the United States, Colombia is the country were 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected more times. The Festival Internacional de Cine de Monteria will be the fifth festival in this country in which the short participates. We are almost as popular there as Juan Valdez.
After Spain and the United States, Colombia is the country were 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected more times. The Festival Internacional de Cine de Monteria will be the fifth festival in this country in which the short participates. We are almost as popular there as Juan Valdez.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 25 de mayo de 2010

En pocos dias 'Sombras en el viento' ha sido reconocido con un nuevo galardón. Se trata de una Mención Especial del Jurado en el CINHOMO de Valladolid. Es el primer premio que se nos concede en un festival de temática gay y lésbica. El corto fue proyectado el pasado sábado junto con la película 'Un hombre soltero' de Tom Ford, por la que Colin Firth fue nominado al Oscar este año.
In few days, 'Shadows in the wind' has been recognized with another award. This time we are talking about the Special Jury Mention at the CINHOMO in Valladolid, Spain. This is the first prize we are given in a Gay and Lesbian film festival. The short film was screened last Saturday alongside the Tom Ford's film 'A single man', for which Colin Firth was nominated for Best Actor in last year's Oscar Ceremony.
In few days, 'Shadows in the wind' has been recognized with another award. This time we are talking about the Special Jury Mention at the CINHOMO in Valladolid, Spain. This is the first prize we are given in a Gay and Lesbian film festival. The short film was screened last Saturday alongside the Tom Ford's film 'A single man', for which Colin Firth was nominated for Best Actor in last year's Oscar Ceremony.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 21 de mayo de 2010
Nuevo Premio/ New award

Acabamos de enterarnos de que 'Sombras en el viento' ha ganado el Primer Premio en la 4ª edición del Festival La Tela di Penelope, que se está celebrando ahora y hasta el 1 de Junio en Castrovillari, dentro de la región italiana de Calabria. Éste es un festival dedicado a la figura femenina en el Mediterráneo y el premio nos ha pillado por sorpresa.
Es el duodécimo premio que consigue el corto. ¡¡¡Enhorabuena una vez más a todo el equipo!!!
We have just learned that 'Shadows in the wind' has won the First Prize at the 4th La Tela di Penelope Festival, which is taking place during these days until the 1st of June in Castrovillari, in the Italian region of Calabria. This festival is dedicated to the feminine figure in the Mediterranean and the award has taken us by surprise.
This makes the 12th award for the short film. Congratulations to all the crew once more!!!
Es el duodécimo premio que consigue el corto. ¡¡¡Enhorabuena una vez más a todo el equipo!!!
We have just learned that 'Shadows in the wind' has won the First Prize at the 4th La Tela di Penelope Festival, which is taking place during these days until the 1st of June in Castrovillari, in the Italian region of Calabria. This festival is dedicated to the feminine figure in the Mediterranean and the award has taken us by surprise.
This makes the 12th award for the short film. Congratulations to all the crew once more!!!
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 18 de mayo de 2010
Festival nº 100 / 100th Festival

'Sombras en el viento' ha sido nominado en la categoría de Mejor Cortometraje en el 4th Epizephiry International Film Festival, que se celebra en la provincia de Calabria, en Italia. El Festival consiste en una serie de proyecciones durante el mes de mayo.
Este Festival hace el número 100 en que participa el corto, y desde ATRACO PERFECTO queremos felicitar a todo el equipo, pues sin su trabajo jamás habríamos conseguido este logro.
'Shadows in the wind' has been nominated for Best Short Film at the 4th Epizephiry International Film Festival, which takes place in the region of Calabria, in Italy. The Festival involves a series of screenings within the month of May.
This Festival makes the 100th for the short film, and on behalf of ATRACO PERFECTO we want to congratulate all the crew, for without their work we would have never achieved this success.
Este Festival hace el número 100 en que participa el corto, y desde ATRACO PERFECTO queremos felicitar a todo el equipo, pues sin su trabajo jamás habríamos conseguido este logro.
'Shadows in the wind' has been nominated for Best Short Film at the 4th Epizephiry International Film Festival, which takes place in the region of Calabria, in Italy. The Festival involves a series of screenings within the month of May.
This Festival makes the 100th for the short film, and on behalf of ATRACO PERFECTO we want to congratulate all the crew, for without their work we would have never achieved this success.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 14 de mayo de 2010
De vuelta a EEUU/ Back to the USA

'Sombras en el viento' vuelve a los EEUU para participar en el Little Rock Film Festival, que se celebrará entre el 2 y el 6 de Junio, en Little Rock, capital del estado de Arkansas, la ciudad del antiguo presidente Bill Clinton, y para los más cinéfilos ,la tierra natal de la protagonista de 'Los caballeros las prefieren rubias' , Lorelai Lee, encarnada por la inimitable Marilyn Monroe.
'Shadows in the wind' returns to the USA in order to participate in the Little Rock Film Festival, which will take place between the 2nd and the 6th of June, in Little Rock, the capital of the state of Arkansas, former president Bill Clinton's hometown, and, for many fun buffs, the place where Lorelai Lee, 'Gentlemen prefer blondes' 's protagonist, played by the unique Marilyn Monroe, was born.
'Shadows in the wind' returns to the USA in order to participate in the Little Rock Film Festival, which will take place between the 2nd and the 6th of June, in Little Rock, the capital of the state of Arkansas, former president Bill Clinton's hometown, and, for many fun buffs, the place where Lorelai Lee, 'Gentlemen prefer blondes' 's protagonist, played by the unique Marilyn Monroe, was born.
miércoles, 12 de mayo de 2010
En Eslovenia/ In Slovenia

'Sombras en el viento' viajará a Eslovenia dentro de muy poco, pues del 26 al 28 de Mayo participará en el 6th FF600 Short Film Festival, en Liubliana, la capital de ese país.
'Shadows in the wind' will travel to Slovenia very soon, for from the 26th to the 28th of May it will participate in the 6th FF600 Short Film Festival, in Ljubljana, the capital of that country.
'Shadows in the wind' will travel to Slovenia very soon, for from the 26th to the 28th of May it will participate in the 6th FF600 Short Film Festival, in Ljubljana, the capital of that country.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 11 de mayo de 2010
De nuevo en Canada/ Once more in Canada

'Sombras en el viento' volverá a Canadá del 21 al 25 de Julio para participar en el 13th Okanagan International Film Festival, que se celebrará en Kelowna, la ciudad más grande del valle de Okanagan, en la Columbia Británica. Ésta es una región famosa por su vinos, así que... Salud a todos!!!
'Shadows in the wind' will return to Canada from the 21st to the 25th of July in order to participate in the 13th Okanagan International Film Festival , which will take place in Kelowna, the largest city in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley. This region is famous for its wines, so... Cheers to everyone!!!
'Shadows in the wind' will return to Canada from the 21st to the 25th of July in order to participate in the 13th Okanagan International Film Festival , which will take place in Kelowna, the largest city in British Columbia’s Okanagan Valley. This region is famous for its wines, so... Cheers to everyone!!!
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
lunes, 10 de mayo de 2010
Un nuevo país/ A new country
El corto ha sido seleccionado para participar fuera de competición en el 8th 'One Shot' Short Film Festival, que se celebrará entre el 17 y 24 de este mes en Yerevan, Armenia. Aunque no opte a premio, esta selección supone un nuevo país para 'Sombras en el viento'.
The short film has been selected to participate out of competition in the 8th 'One Shot' Short Film Festival, which will take place from the 17th to the 24th of this month in Yerevan, Armenia. Although it doesn't apply for a an award, this selection means a new country for 'Shadows in the wind'
The short film has been selected to participate out of competition in the 8th 'One Shot' Short Film Festival, which will take place from the 17th to the 24th of this month in Yerevan, Armenia. Although it doesn't apply for a an award, this selection means a new country for 'Shadows in the wind'
viernes, 7 de mayo de 2010
Seleccionados en Bolivia/ Selected in Bolivia

'Sombras en el Viento' participará entre el 10 y el 15 de Mayo en la 1ª Semana Internacional del Corto de Cochabamba, en Bolivia. Poco a poco el corto se va viendo en más rincones del planeta!
'Shadows in the Wind' will participate between the 10th and 15th of May in the 1ª Semana Internacional del Corto de Cochabamba, in Bolivia. Little by little the short is being watched in more places around the world!
'Shadows in the Wind' will participate between the 10th and 15th of May in the 1ª Semana Internacional del Corto de Cochabamba, in Bolivia. Little by little the short is being watched in more places around the world!
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010
A Kentuky! / Off to Kentucky!

'Sombras en el Viento' ha sido seleccionado una vez más en un festival norteamericano. Esta vez se trata del World Independent Film Expo, en Richmond, en el estado de Kentucky. El festival se celebrará los días 14, 15 y 16 de Mayo.
'Shadows in the Wind' has been selected once more in an American film festival. This time we are talking about the World Independent Film Expo, in Richmond, sited in the state of Kentucky. The festival will take place the 14th, 15th and 16th of May.
'Shadows in the Wind' has been selected once more in an American film festival. This time we are talking about the World Independent Film Expo, in Richmond, sited in the state of Kentucky. The festival will take place the 14th, 15th and 16th of May.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 5 de mayo de 2010
Al aire libre/ Ourdoors

'Sombras en el viento' participará entre los días 3 y 15 de Mayo en 'Cine a la Calle", 10º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes al Aire Libre, que se celebra todos los años en Barranquilla, Colombia. No es la primera vez, que el corto se proyecta en este país...
'Shadows in the wind' will participate between the 3rd and the 15th of May in the 'Cine a la Calle", 10º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes al Aire Libre. It takes place every year in Barranquilla, Colombia, and the films are screened outdoors. It is not the first time that the short film is screened in that country...
'Shadows in the wind' will participate between the 3rd and the 15th of May in the 'Cine a la Calle", 10º Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes al Aire Libre. It takes place every year in Barranquilla, Colombia, and the films are screened outdoors. It is not the first time that the short film is screened in that country...
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 4 de mayo de 2010
Y otra vez.../ And again...

Si hace unos días anunciabamos la selección de 'Sombras en el Viento' en un festival de temática gay como el Outfestperu, ahora volvemos a hacerlo, puesto que el corto ha sido seleccionado para participar en CINHOMO. Muestra de Cine Gay, Lésbico, Bisexual y Transexual de Valladolid, que se celebrará entre los días 17 y 23 de este mes.
If some days ago we announced the 'Shadows in the wind''s selection in a Gay film festival as the Outfestperu, now we do it again, for the short film has been selected to participate in CINHOMO. Muestra de Cine Gay, Lésbico, Bisexual y Transexual de Valladolid , which will take place within the 17th and 23rd of this month.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010
Seleccionados en Portugal/ Selected in Portugal

'Sombras en el viento' ha sido seleccionado para participar en el 26 FETROIA, International Film Festival, en Setúbal, Portugal. Éste es el primer festival portugues en el que participa el corto en competición, pues ya había sido proyectado en este país el pasado Octubre durante la muestra itinerante El mes + Corto.
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected to participate in the 26 FETROIA, International Film Festival, in Setubal, Portugal. This is the first Portuguese film festival in competition for the short, for it had already been screened in that country during the itinerant exhibition El mes + Corto last October.
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected to participate in the 26 FETROIA, International Film Festival, in Setubal, Portugal. This is the first Portuguese film festival in competition for the short, for it had already been screened in that country during the itinerant exhibition El mes + Corto last October.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
domingo, 2 de mayo de 2010
Premio del público / Audience award

En varias ocasiones 'Sombras en el viento' ha estado cerca de conseguir el premio del público, uno de los galardones más deseados por cualquier cortometrajista. Por fin, en el MIDEC, festival organizado por la Universidad de la Laguna, en Tenerife, la audiencia le ha dado la mayoria de sus votos al corto.
En ATRACO PERFECTO estamos encantados con este premio, que tantas veces se nos ha escapado por los pelos, y que confirma lo que pudimos percibir en numerosas proyecciones: que casi siempre el público conecta y se emociona con el corto.
'Shadows in the wind' has been close to obtain the audience award in several occasions, one of the most wanted awards for any short film maker. At last, in MIDEC a film festival organized by the Laguna University, in Tenerife (Canary Islands), the audience gave the short the majority of their votes.
In ATRACO PERFECTO we are delighted with this award, which many times before, had slipped from our hands by the skin of our teeth, and that confirms what we could noticed in numerous screenings: That the audience connects and gets moved with the short film almost always.
'Shadows in the wind' has been close to obtain the audience award in several occasions, one of the most wanted awards for any short film maker. At last, in MIDEC a film festival organized by the Laguna University, in Tenerife (Canary Islands), the audience gave the short the majority of their votes.
In ATRACO PERFECTO we are delighted with this award, which many times before, had slipped from our hands by the skin of our teeth, and that confirms what we could noticed in numerous screenings: That the audience connects and gets moved with the short film almost always.
Ilustración / Ilustration: Charles Dana Gibson
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 30 de abril de 2010
De nuevo en un Festival Gay / In a Gay Festival again

'Sombras en el viento' ha vuelto a estar seleccionado en un Festival de temática Gay. En esta ocasión se trata del OUTFESTPERU 2010. VII Festival de Cine Gay, Lésbico, Trans, que se celebrará en Lima (Perú) entre el 15 y 28 de Junio. Nos encantan las múltiples interpretaciones que tiene el corto y en concreto la amistad entre sus dos protagonistas.
'Shadows in the wind' has been selected again in a Gay Film Festival. On this occasion, at the OUTFESTPERU 2010. VII Festival de Cine Gay, Lésbico, Trans, which will take place in Lima ( Peru) within the 15th and the 28th of June. We are delighted with the multiple interperations the short film has, specifically, the friendship between the two protagonists.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 23 de abril de 2010
Juez Dehn/ Judge Dehn

Edmund Dehn, quien interpretó al Doctor en 'Sombras en el viento', acaba de protagonizar un cortometraje basado en los personajes del comic Juez Dredd. Es un corto-homenaje al comic original, que pretende resarcir a sus fans del chasco que supuso la película de los noventa protagonizada por Stallone. Edmund da vida al Juez Minty, el personaje principal del corto, que está dirigido por Steve Sterlacchini y tiene un tono apocalíptico y crepuscular.
Edmund Dehn, who played the Doctor in 'Shadows in the wind', has just started in a short film based on the characters of the Judge Dredd comic. Is a film-tribute to the original comic, which tries to compensate their fans for the disappointment the ninety's film played by Stallone was. Edmund plays the Judge Minty, the leading character of the short film which has been directed by Steve Sterlacchini and has a crepuscular and apocalyptic tone.
Edmund Dehn, who played the Doctor in 'Shadows in the wind', has just started in a short film based on the characters of the Judge Dredd comic. Is a film-tribute to the original comic, which tries to compensate their fans for the disappointment the ninety's film played by Stallone was. Edmund plays the Judge Minty, the leading character of the short film which has been directed by Steve Sterlacchini and has a crepuscular and apocalyptic tone.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
Edmund Dehn,
Judge Dredd,
judge minty
jueves, 22 de abril de 2010
Seleccionados en Salamanca/ Selected in Salamanca

Volvemos a tener una selección más en España. El festival Cine Corto en Video se celebrará en la castellana ciudad de Salamanca, y tendrá lugar en el bar El Granero a lo largo de todos los jueves de Mayo.
We have again one more selection in Spain. The Cine Corto en Video will take place in the Castilian city of Salamanca, and will be screened at the bar El Granero within every Thursday of May.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 21 de abril de 2010
Seleccionados en Valencia/ Selected in Valencia

Hasta la fecha llevábamos tres festivales en la Comunidad Valenciana, pero los tres habian tenido lugar en la provincia de Alicante. Ahora visitaremos la propia ciudad de Valencia para asistir al Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City, que se celebrará entre finales de Abril y principios de Mayo.
To date we've been at three film festivals in the Comunidad Valenciana, but the three of them had taken place in the Alicante province. Now we will visit the city of Valencia to attend the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City, that will take place between the end of April and the beginning of May.
To date we've been at three film festivals in the Comunidad Valenciana, but the three of them had taken place in the Alicante province. Now we will visit the city of Valencia to attend the Festival Internacional de Cortometrajes Radio City, that will take place between the end of April and the beginning of May.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 20 de abril de 2010
Juntos de nuevo/ Together again

Buena parte del equipo de 'Sombras en el viento' se ha reunido este pasado fin de semana para rodar el teaser del nuevo proyecto de ATRACO PERFECTO. Se trata de un largometraje que llevará por título 'Tierra de lobos' y que se rodará en 2011.
En esta ocasión Ramón Rodríguez es el director y Julia Guillén Creagh está en la producción y la ayudantía de dirección. Del equipo han repetido Helena, Pepitos, Ezequiel, Jose, Sole, Parrilla, Muro, Ana y Nestor. Además, en la postpo estarán también Jose Manuel, Juanma y Manu, y esperamos contar en el largo con más gente de 'Sombras' que no se pudo incorporar al teaser.
Os damos las gracias a todos los que habeis repetido, y la bienvenida a los que sois nuevas incorporaciones al equipo de ATRACO PERFECTO.
Last weekend most of the 'Shadows in the wind' crew got together in order to shoot the teaser trailer of ATRACO PERFECTO's new project, 'Tierra de Lobos' (Wolves' Land), a feature film which will be shot in 2011.
In this occasion Ramón Rodríguez directs whereas Julia Guillén Creagh participates in the production and works as assistant director. Members of the crew as Helena, Pepitos, Ezequiel, Jose, Sole, Parrilla, Muro, Ana and Néstor have repeated. Besides, Jose Manuel, Juanma and Manu will work in the post production, and we count for the feature on more people from 'Shadows...' that couldn't be in the teaser.
We thank all the ones that have repeated and welcome the new members who have joined the ATRACO PERFECTO crew.
Video teaser en VIMEO & YOUTUBE
En esta ocasión Ramón Rodríguez es el director y Julia Guillén Creagh está en la producción y la ayudantía de dirección. Del equipo han repetido Helena, Pepitos, Ezequiel, Jose, Sole, Parrilla, Muro, Ana y Nestor. Además, en la postpo estarán también Jose Manuel, Juanma y Manu, y esperamos contar en el largo con más gente de 'Sombras' que no se pudo incorporar al teaser.
Os damos las gracias a todos los que habeis repetido, y la bienvenida a los que sois nuevas incorporaciones al equipo de ATRACO PERFECTO.
Last weekend most of the 'Shadows in the wind' crew got together in order to shoot the teaser trailer of ATRACO PERFECTO's new project, 'Tierra de Lobos' (Wolves' Land), a feature film which will be shot in 2011.
In this occasion Ramón Rodríguez directs whereas Julia Guillén Creagh participates in the production and works as assistant director. Members of the crew as Helena, Pepitos, Ezequiel, Jose, Sole, Parrilla, Muro, Ana and Néstor have repeated. Besides, Jose Manuel, Juanma and Manu will work in the post production, and we count for the feature on more people from 'Shadows...' that couldn't be in the teaser.
We thank all the ones that have repeated and welcome the new members who have joined the ATRACO PERFECTO crew.
Video teaser en VIMEO & YOUTUBE
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
tierra de lobos
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
Premiados en Houston / Awarded in Houston

'Sombras en el viento' ha sido reconocido con un nuevo premio. El WorldFest Houston International Independent Film Festival le ha otorgado en su 43 edición el Premio Especial del Jurado, el galardón más importante de este festival, en la categoria de "Drama - Guión adaptado".
Este es ya el décimo premio que consigue el corto, y el primero en los Estados Unidos. Desde ATRACO PERFECTO queremos felicitar una vez más a todo el equipo del corto por este premio.
'Shadows in the wind' has been given a new award. The WorldFest Houston International Independent Film Festival at his 43rd edition has awarded the short with the Special Jury Award, in the category Dramatic Adaptation, the festival's most important prize.
This is the tenth award for the short and the first one in the United States. On behalf of ATRACO PERFECTO we want to congratulate once more all the crew for this prize.
Este es ya el décimo premio que consigue el corto, y el primero en los Estados Unidos. Desde ATRACO PERFECTO queremos felicitar una vez más a todo el equipo del corto por este premio.
'Shadows in the wind' has been given a new award. The WorldFest Houston International Independent Film Festival at his 43rd edition has awarded the short with the Special Jury Award, in the category Dramatic Adaptation, the festival's most important prize.
This is the tenth award for the short and the first one in the United States. On behalf of ATRACO PERFECTO we want to congratulate once more all the crew for this prize.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 13 de abril de 2010
Nueva selección en Argentina/ New selection in Argentina

El corto ya fue seleccionado en Argentina hace unos meses por la Asociación de Artistas Audiovisuales de la región de Varela, para participar en un festival y ser proyectado en escuelas y centros culturales. Ahora volverá a este país para participar en el Cortometrajes FI, que se celebrará en la ciudad de Córdoba el próximo Mayo.
The short film had already been selected in Argentina few months ago by the Asociación de Artistas Audiovisuales set in the region of Varela, in order to participate in a festival and to be screened in schools and cultural centres. And now it will return to this country to participate in the Cortometrajes FI, which will take place in the city of Cordoba next May.
Foto: Ivan Valdelvira
The short film had already been selected in Argentina few months ago by the Asociación de Artistas Audiovisuales set in the region of Varela, in order to participate in a festival and to be screened in schools and cultural centres. And now it will return to this country to participate in the Cortometrajes FI, which will take place in the city of Cordoba next May.
Foto: Ivan Valdelvira
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 9 de abril de 2010
Nuevo festival en Cataluña / New festival in Catalonia

'Sombras en el viento' tiene una selección más, y ya son 85. El XIII Concurs Cine Amateur Ciutat de Cornellà se celebrará del 12 al 30 de Abril en Cornellà del Llobregat, cerca de Barcelona.
'Shadows in the wind' has a new selection and this makes the 85th. The XIII Concurs Amateur Ciutat de Cornellà will take place from the 12th to the 30th of April in Cornellà, near Barcelona.
Foto : Ivan Valdelvira
'Shadows in the wind' has a new selection and this makes the 85th. The XIII Concurs Amateur Ciutat de Cornellà will take place from the 12th to the 30th of April in Cornellà, near Barcelona.
Foto : Ivan Valdelvira
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010
En los 5 continentes / 5 continents

Si hace pocas semanas 'Sombras en el viento' era seleccionado en su primer festival africano, ahora acaba de ser seleccionado por primera vez en Oceania. Y, a falta de que se celebren festivales en la Antártida, el corto ya ha visitado todos los continentes. En esta ocasión la selección ha sido en el Little Ripper Film Festival, que se celebrará en Melbourne, Australia.
Few weeks ago 'Shadows in the wind' was selected in its first African festival and now it has just been selected for the first time in Oceania. Still not knowing whether there are festivals in the Antarctica, the short film has visited all the continents. In this occasion the selection has taken place at the Little Ripper Film Festival, in Melbourne, Australia.
Few weeks ago 'Shadows in the wind' was selected in its first African festival and now it has just been selected for the first time in Oceania. Still not knowing whether there are festivals in the Antarctica, the short film has visited all the continents. In this occasion the selection has taken place at the Little Ripper Film Festival, in Melbourne, Australia.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
lunes, 5 de abril de 2010
En "La Tacita de Plata"/ At "La Tacita de Plata"

El corto ha vuelto a ser seleccionado en un festival español. El festival La Tacita de Plata se celebrará en Cadiz esta primavera, y su nombre hace referencia al mote con que se conoce a esta ciudad andaluza.
The short film has been selected again in a Spanish film festival. The La Tacita de Plata Film Festival whose name means literally "The little silver cup", nickname of the city of Cadiz, will take place in this city next Spring.
The short film has been selected again in a Spanish film festival. The La Tacita de Plata Film Festival whose name means literally "The little silver cup", nickname of the city of Cadiz, will take place in this city next Spring.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
miércoles, 31 de marzo de 2010
Seleccionados en Iowa/ Selected in Iowa

Un nuevo festival en los Estados Unidos, en esta ocasión en Iowa. El New Strand Film Festival tendrá lugar del 30 de Abril al 2 de Mayo, y hace el festival número 13 que el corto tendrá en este país y el 24 en todo el continente americano.
A new festival in the United States. In this occasion in Iowa. The New Strand Film Festival will take place from the 30th of April to the 2nd of May and it makes the 13th festival for the short at this country and the number 24 at the American continent.
A new festival in the United States. In this occasion in Iowa. The New Strand Film Festival will take place from the 30th of April to the 2nd of May and it makes the 13th festival for the short at this country and the number 24 at the American continent.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
martes, 30 de marzo de 2010
El festival más remoto/ The most remote film festival

Hace unos meses el corto fue seleccionado en el Reelout International Film Festival, en Kingston, Canadá. Ahora volverá a este país para participar en el Haida Gwaii Film Festival, un festival que se celebra en las islas del Archipiélago de la Reina Carlota, en la costa del Pacífico. Estas islas están pobladas unicamente por indios, cazadores, pescadores y osos grizzly, y a ellas tan solo se puede llegar por hidroavión. La viva imagen de 'Doctor en Alaska'.
Some months ago the short film was selected in the Reelout International Film Festival, in Kingston, Canada. And now it will return to that country in order to participate in the Haida Gwaii Film Festival, a film festival that will take place at the Queen Carlota Archipielago islands, located at the Pacific Cost. This islands are populated just by Indians, hunters, fishermen and Grizzly bears, and you can only get there by seaplane. The living image of 'Northern Exposure'
Some months ago the short film was selected in the Reelout International Film Festival, in Kingston, Canada. And now it will return to that country in order to participate in the Haida Gwaii Film Festival, a film festival that will take place at the Queen Carlota Archipielago islands, located at the Pacific Cost. This islands are populated just by Indians, hunters, fishermen and Grizzly bears, and you can only get there by seaplane. The living image of 'Northern Exposure'
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
lunes, 29 de marzo de 2010
Visitamos Báltimore/ We visit Baltimore

De nuevo 'Sombras en el viento' ha sido selecconado en los Estados Unidos, y Maryland es el nuevo estado donde recalará el corto. El Johns Hopkins Film Festival se celebrará a mediados de Abril en Baltimore, ciudad natal del irreverente cineasta John Waters y escenario de casi todas sus películas.
Once again 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected in the United States, and Maryland happens to be the new state where the short film will arrived. The Johns Hopkins Film Festival will take place on mid April in Baltimore, home town of the irreverent film maker John Waters and setting of almost all his films.
Once again 'Shadows in the wind' has been selected in the United States, and Maryland happens to be the new state where the short film will arrived. The Johns Hopkins Film Festival will take place on mid April in Baltimore, home town of the irreverent film maker John Waters and setting of almost all his films.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
viernes, 26 de marzo de 2010
En el DVD de 'Chéri'/ In "Chéri" DVD edition

La distribuidora Cameo va a incluir 'Sombras en el viento' como un extra en el DVD de la película 'Chéri' de Stephen Frears, el director de 'Las amistades peligrosas', 'Mi hermosa lavanderia' o 'La reina'. La película está protagonizada por Michelle Pfeiffer y ambientada en la misma época que nuestro corto, los primeros años del siglo XX.
El DVD saldrá en alquiler el próximo mes de Mayo y poco después a la venta. Esta será una estupenda oportunidad para que 'Sombras en el viento' llegue a un público más amplio, que normalmente no ve cortometrajes.
The distribution company Cameo will include 'Shadows in the wind' as a bonus feature in the Spanish DVD edition of the film 'Chéri' by Stephen Frears, the director of 'Dangerous Liaisons', 'My beautiful laundrette', or 'The Queen'. Michelle Pfeiffer starts in the film which takes place at the same period as our short film, that is to say, the beginning of the 20th century.
The DVD will come out to rent next May and a little later it will be on sale. This is an extraordinary opportunity for 'Shadows in the wind' to reach a bigger audience who don't usually watch short films.
The distribution company Cameo will include 'Shadows in the wind' as a bonus feature in the Spanish DVD edition of the film 'Chéri' by Stephen Frears, the director of 'Dangerous Liaisons', 'My beautiful laundrette', or 'The Queen'. Michelle Pfeiffer starts in the film which takes place at the same period as our short film, that is to say, the beginning of the 20th century.
The DVD will come out to rent next May and a little later it will be on sale. This is an extraordinary opportunity for 'Shadows in the wind' to reach a bigger audience who don't usually watch short films.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
cameo films,
jueves, 25 de marzo de 2010
Seleccionados en Texas / Selected in Texas

Un nueva selección en los Estados Unidos. Texas será el 10º estado que visite el corto para participar en el 43th Annual WorldFest en Houston, la capital del estado. Este festival se celebrará del 9 al 18 del próximo mes de Abril.
One more selection in the United States. Texas will be the 10th state visited by the short film to participate at the 43th Annual WorldFest in Huston, the capital of the state. This festival will take place from the 9th to the 18th of April.
One more selection in the United States. Texas will be the 10th state visited by the short film to participate at the 43th Annual WorldFest in Huston, the capital of the state. This festival will take place from the 9th to the 18th of April.
Etiquetas: Atraco Perfecto
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