La distribuidora Cameo va a incluir 'Sombras en el viento' como un extra en el DVD de la película 'Chéri' de Stephen Frears, el director de 'Las amistades peligrosas', 'Mi hermosa lavanderia' o 'La reina'. La película está protagonizada por Michelle Pfeiffer y ambientada en la misma época que nuestro corto, los primeros años del siglo XX.
El DVD saldrá en alquiler el próximo mes de Mayo y poco después a la venta. Esta será una estupenda oportunidad para que 'Sombras en el viento' llegue a un público más amplio, que normalmente no ve cortometrajes.
The distribution company Cameo will include 'Shadows in the wind' as a bonus feature in the Spanish DVD edition of the film 'Chéri' by Stephen Frears, the director of 'Dangerous Liaisons', 'My beautiful laundrette', or 'The Queen'. Michelle Pfeiffer starts in the film which takes place at the same period as our short film, that is to say, the beginning of the 20th century.
The DVD will come out to rent next May and a little later it will be on sale. This is an extraordinary opportunity for 'Shadows in the wind' to reach a bigger audience who don't usually watch short films.
The distribution company Cameo will include 'Shadows in the wind' as a bonus feature in the Spanish DVD edition of the film 'Chéri' by Stephen Frears, the director of 'Dangerous Liaisons', 'My beautiful laundrette', or 'The Queen'. Michelle Pfeiffer starts in the film which takes place at the same period as our short film, that is to say, the beginning of the 20th century.
The DVD will come out to rent next May and a little later it will be on sale. This is an extraordinary opportunity for 'Shadows in the wind' to reach a bigger audience who don't usually watch short films.
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