La Agencia del Cortometraje Español (ACE) celebra todos los años una entrega de premios a los mejores cortometrajes, tanto de socios como de foráneos, y este año 'Sombras en el viento' es candidato al mejor cortometraje en el apartado de no socios. La entrega se realizará el 28 de Marzo y os informaremos si al final cae algo.
The Agencia del Cortometraje Español (ACE) celebrates every year an award ceremony for its members' best short films as well as for the non members best short films, and this year 'Shadows in the wind' has been nominated for best short film in the non member category. The ceremony will take place the 28th of March. We will inform you in case we won something.
The Agencia del Cortometraje Español (ACE) celebrates every year an award ceremony for its members' best short films as well as for the non members best short films, and this year 'Shadows in the wind' has been nominated for best short film in the non member category. The ceremony will take place the 28th of March. We will inform you in case we won something.
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