El corto está teniendo muy buena acogida en Europa y America, y tiene cinco selecciones en Asia (Turquia y La India), pero hasta hoy no habia sido seleccionado en el continente africano. El Cape Wineland Film Festival es un festival que tiene lugar en Stellenbosch, Sudáfrica, cerca de Ciudad del Cabo, que como su propio nombre indica es una tierra de estupendos vinos. Además, Sudafrica es el país donde nació nuestro querido David Bailie.
The short film is having a good reception around Europe and America, and it also have five selections in Asia (Turkey and India), but it had never been selected in the African continent before. The Cape Wineland Film Festival is a festival that takes place in Stellenbosch, South Africa, close to Cape Town, a land full of wonderful wines as its own name points out. South Africa is as well the country where our dear David Bailie was born.
The short film is having a good reception around Europe and America, and it also have five selections in Asia (Turkey and India), but it had never been selected in the African continent before. The Cape Wineland Film Festival is a festival that takes place in Stellenbosch, South Africa, close to Cape Town, a land full of wonderful wines as its own name points out. South Africa is as well the country where our dear David Bailie was born.
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