Florida será el séptimo estado norteamericano que visite 'Sombras en el viento', tras Nueva York, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Mississippi y California. El Amelia Island Film Festival se celebrará del 25 de Febrero al 5 de Marzo en una isla que está al norte de dicho estado.
Nos coinciden en fechas tres festivales de los Estados Unidos, y el corto viajará de la frontera con Canadá al Golfo de Mejico en tan solo dos semanas. Como movido por el viento...
Florida is the seventh American State visited by 'Shadows in the wind' after New York, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Missisippi and California. The Amelia Island Film Festival will take place between the 25th of February and the 5th of March in an island set in the north of that state.
We will participate in three American film festivals during the same dates, and the short film will travel from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico within just two weeks. As if it was moved by the wind...
Nos coinciden en fechas tres festivales de los Estados Unidos, y el corto viajará de la frontera con Canadá al Golfo de Mejico en tan solo dos semanas. Como movido por el viento...
Florida is the seventh American State visited by 'Shadows in the wind' after New York, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Missisippi and California. The Amelia Island Film Festival will take place between the 25th of February and the 5th of March in an island set in the north of that state.
We will participate in three American film festivals during the same dates, and the short film will travel from the Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico within just two weeks. As if it was moved by the wind...
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