Si hace pocas semanas 'Sombras en el viento' era seleccionado en su primer festival africano, ahora acaba de ser seleccionado por primera vez en Oceania. Y, a falta de que se celebren festivales en la Antártida, el corto ya ha visitado todos los continentes. En esta ocasión la selección ha sido en el Little Ripper Film Festival, que se celebrará en Melbourne, Australia.
Few weeks ago 'Shadows in the wind' was selected in its first African festival and now it has just been selected for the first time in Oceania. Still not knowing whether there are festivals in the Antarctica, the short film has visited all the continents. In this occasion the selection has taken place at the Little Ripper Film Festival, in Melbourne, Australia.
Few weeks ago 'Shadows in the wind' was selected in its first African festival and now it has just been selected for the first time in Oceania. Still not knowing whether there are festivals in the Antarctica, the short film has visited all the continents. In this occasion the selection has taken place at the Little Ripper Film Festival, in Melbourne, Australia.
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