En pocos dias 'Sombras en el viento' ha sido reconocido con un nuevo galardón. Se trata de una Mención Especial del Jurado en el CINHOMO de Valladolid. Es el primer premio que se nos concede en un festival de temática gay y lésbica. El corto fue proyectado el pasado sábado junto con la película 'Un hombre soltero' de Tom Ford, por la que Colin Firth fue nominado al Oscar este año.
In few days, 'Shadows in the wind' has been recognized with another award. This time we are talking about the Special Jury Mention at the CINHOMO in Valladolid, Spain. This is the first prize we are given in a Gay and Lesbian film festival. The short film was screened last Saturday alongside the Tom Ford's film 'A single man', for which Colin Firth was nominated for Best Actor in last year's Oscar Ceremony.
In few days, 'Shadows in the wind' has been recognized with another award. This time we are talking about the Special Jury Mention at the CINHOMO in Valladolid, Spain. This is the first prize we are given in a Gay and Lesbian film festival. The short film was screened last Saturday alongside the Tom Ford's film 'A single man', for which Colin Firth was nominated for Best Actor in last year's Oscar Ceremony.
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